MC Manitoba approves new vision, Future Directions recommendations

March 23, 2016

Winnipeg, Man.—Delegates at Mennonite Church Manitoba’s annual general meeting on March 5, 2016, approved the area church’s new vision for mission and voted in support of the recommendations made by the Future Directions Task Force about the future of the national church. MC Manitoba’s new mission vision includes plans to relinquish management of Camp Moose Lake and Camp Koinonia, while still using them for summer camp programs; it also involves a capital campaign to develop facilities at Camp Assiniboia so the camp can also be used for congregational retreats. The mission vision passed with unanimous support. The second motion under consideration, the Future Directions Task Force Report, generated considerable discussion throughout the day, but ultimately passed with 71 percent support. Delegates also approved a set of guidelines for churches as they consider questions of lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer inclusion and same-sex marriage; the guidelines request that congregations refrain from credentialling ministers in same-sex relationships and MC Manitoba-credentialled ministers refrain from performing same-sex weddings until the Being a Faithful Church process wraps up this summer. —By J. Neufeld

See more on the Mennonite Church Manitoba Future Directions conversations here.

See also reports of the annual meetings of other area churches:
MC B.C. considers call to missional engagement (Mennonite Church British Columbia)
Bound to disagree, freed to love (Mennonite Church Saskatchewan)
MC Alberta defers approval of Future Directions report (Mennonite Church Alberta)

Finding God in my neighbourhood (Mennonite Church Eastern Canada)

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