Recent comments

John Hiemstra commented on

What is your theory of social change?

Matthew Froese commented on

The sweet solace of polarization, Part 2

Clare Neufeld commented on

Fanning Anabaptist fame

Clare Neufeld commented on

A walk through Mennonite history

Waldimar Neufeld commented on

The sweet solace of polarization, Part 1

Geoffrey Strong commented on

Climate imagination

Elaine Fehr commented on

Evangelism that heals

Ivan Unger commented on

Evangelism that heals

Peter Reimer commented on

Evangelism that heals

Bruce Hiebert commented on

Evangelism that heals

Howard Boldt commented on

Is violence the best response to Putin?

Tim Wenger (He/They) commented on

‘We Declare’ and beyond

Elaine Fehr commented on

‘We Declare’ and beyond

Melanie Neufeld commented on

A season of Jubilee

Peter Reimer commented on

A season of Jubilee
